Usability and user experience determine the success of software or websites. Our UX courses will teach you how to design apps and websites that focus on the user, and are used with pleasure because of it.

In the Spotlight: UX – Putting people at the center of product and service development («UXLG»)

Make the most of your training: Work on your own use cases and apply your new skills directly to real-world situations. More

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Become a UX Expert

Our User Experience (UX) courses will teach you the necessary basics and give you a thorough understanding of how to design user interfaces for software or websites in such a way that users are optimally supported in their tasks. 

You’ll master the introduction to this field with our course Introduction to Usability and User Experience (UX) («ERG»)

Advanced UX/UI users should attend the preparation course for the certificate Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (UXQB).