Make the most of our PMI® courses to purposefully prepare yourself for the certification for experienced Project Management Professionals (PMP)® and learn the internationally recognised standards for efficiently and successfully executing projects.

Become a Project Management Professional (PMP)® in 5 days

Our field-tested PMP® experts will get you ready for the challenging certification test. You will also complete the 35-hour Project Management Education required for your qualification.

Register for the CAPM®/PMP® test preparation

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With the PMBOK® Guide and the PMP®, the Project Management Institute (PMI)® is the globally leading organisation for project management standards and certifications. 

What is the PMBOK® Guide?

The PMBOK® Guide is the internationally recognised guide for established processes and methods in project management, forms the basis for ISO 21550, and is the main choice for large-scale projects and globally active businesses. Thanks to the use of the globally shared project management language and uniform regulations, the PMBOK® Guide ensures transparent and efficient processes as well as an improved understanding for all individuals involved in a project.

Why should you acquire a Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification?

Do you have many years of practical experience in project management? Do you primarily work in or for international organisations? Or does your organisation work in accordance with the PMBOK®? Then you can give your career a leg up with the renowned PMI® certification for Project Management Professionals (PMP)®. 

The PMP® is the globally leading project management certification to demonstrate your experience and expertise in project management on the international market.

Make the most of our test preparation courses to optimally prepare yourself for your PMI® certification.

Our range of PMI® courses 

CAPM®/PMP® test preparation: The 5-day PMI® training course will optimally prepare you for the CAPM® and PMP® certification. You will be clearly prepared using the PMBOK® Guide and receive countless practical trips and tricks for the test.

PMBOK & Agile: Better together: Since the 6th edition of the PMBOK® Guide, agile and hybrid product development approaches are also included in the project management standard. In the day course, you will deal with agile methods and their assignment to the areas of knowledge and processes of the PMBOK® as well as implementation and connection options.