Training course

Web Publisher («9PWEB»)

In the extra-occupational Web Publisher training course you will deepen your knowledge of screen design and the implementation of websites. We enable you to plan your web presence independently and professionally and to implement it in reality.
Duration 8.5 days
Price 4'200.–
Course documents Digital Digicomp courseware
Price Information Includes course materials, refreshments during breaks, evaluation of the presentation by the responsible expert

Course facts

  • Knowing the trends in web publishing
  • Understand common workflows for web projects
  • Knowing the design rules of screen design
  • Implementing the layout in Adobe XD
  • Understanding the basics of HTML and CSS
  • Implementing the website in WordPress and Elementor
  • Layouting and creating templates with Elementor
  • Understanding the basics of responsive web design
  • Applying the whole process to the website

Here you will get to know the entire process: Starting with the target group-oriented conception, per sitemaps, user flow diagrams and wireframes, over the design for the different end devices, up to the optimal export and the implementation in HTML, CSS, or Wordpress. You will also learn how to create and animate online advertising (banners) and how affiliate marketing via partner networks works. With this knowledge you are ready to enter the field of web publishing. A final presentation of your website completes the web publisher course with Digicomp certification

1 Basics UI & UX Design (1 day)

  • Current trends in web publishing
  • Briefing and discussion: Fictitious project as a common thread through the course
  • Project workflow
  • Introduction to UX design 
  • Overview workflow, scribbles, wireframes, mockups
  • Information architecture, sitemap, navigation concepts 
  • UI design tools: Sketch, XD, etc.

2 Screen design practice (1 day)

  • Design rules
  • Typography on the web
  • Grids, grids and layout 
  • Icon design, libraries, icon fonts
  • Introduction Responsive Design, Mobile first, Devices and Viewports
  • Prototyping
  • Microinteractions
  • Image optimization
  • Export of assets

3 Frontend Development (1 day)

  • Semantic Web
  • Basic layout: structure in HTML and CSS
  • Implementation of your own project
  • HTML and CSS Basics
  • Colors, typography, styles, spacing and animation using CSS 
  • Preparation and implementation of assets: video, image, text, etc.
  • Accessibility
  • Implementation of important SEO on-page factors 
  • Responsive implementation of your own project
  • Scalable vector graphics 
  • Responsive web design control, testing and customization 
  • Responsive grid systems and application

4 Content Management Systems (3 days)

  • CMS Overview
  • Introduction to WordPress
  • Installation of WordPress
  • Theme provider for high publisher demands
  • Theme and template customization
  • Elementor as visual layout tool for publishers
  • Essential plugins
  • Imprint and privacy
  • Website maintenance

5 Animation for web and app (1 day)

  • HTML5 banner animations and interactions with Animate CC
  • Generate assets and format media
  • Creating infographics and web banners 
  • Various export options
  • Preparation for advertising networks

6 Fine-tuning your own website (1 day)

  • Day for questions and assistance
  • Preparation for website presentation

7 Presentation of the website (0.5 days)

  • Presentation and evaluation of the participants by the person in charge
  • Possible achievement to become a certified web publisher

Consists of the following modules

  • Basics Screen Design and UX / UI Design
  • Screen Design Practice
  • Frontend Development
  • Content Management Systems
  • Animation for Web and App
  • Website Presentation
  • Informative, exemplary and practice-oriented teaching sequence
  • Use of various Adobe applications, Wordpress etc. to achieve a professional web presence
  • 8 days (approx. 56 lessons) – Lessons take place on Friday from 1 - 7 pm and Saturday from 9 am - 5 pm
  • The course also requires a certain amount of time outside of class. This depends on previous knowledge, but is usually around 8 hours per week

The course is aimed at people who work in the graphic arts sector as well as career changers with relevant experience who want to deepen their knowledge of modern publishing topics. Upon passing the final presentation you will receive the Digicomp certification as «Web Publisher».

At our free information evenings in Zurich, Bern or Basel, you will receive a detailed overview of this course as well as individual advice.

You have good PC (PC or Mac) user skills. General knowledge of Adobe software is an advantage, but not required.

Earn the Digicomp certificate as «Web Publisher». With the certificate you confirm your practical experience and qualification in the mentioned topics to your employer as well as your customers.

Final presentation
The website developed during the course will be presented and evaluated about two weeks after the end of the course.

Conditions for the Digicomp certification
Attendance 80%

Info about the room equipment
Our courses take place on Windows or Apple devices. On request, we will be happy to provide you with an Apple computer in Zurich, Bern and Basel. Please let us know in advance by sending an e-mail to You can also bring your own laptop.

For virtual participation, we recommend the use of an additional monitor (not just a laptop) so that you can fully follow and participate in the lesson.

Adobe CC Software
The Adobe Creative Cloud Software will be fully available in the classrooms during the training. However, it is not possible to use the software via Digicomp licenses from home during the training.

Web Publisher brochure
For more information, please download our brochure on the Web Publisher course in PDF format (in German).



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