
Introduction to Oracle PL/SQL («ODSQL2»)

In this workshop we teach you the basics of Oracle PL/SQL. Practical exercises will help you to write complex PL/SQL programs in a structured and efficient way.
Duration 5 days
Price 3'400.–

Course facts

After this workshop you will know the possibilities of procedures, packages and functions of the Oracle database and you will be able to use them specifically.
  • Declaring of variables
  • Procedures, functions, and packages
  • Enabling PL SQL Output 
  • Creating executable statements
  • Using variables
  • Handling exceptions
  • Control structures
  • Cursors
  • Creating stored procedures and functions
  • Using dynamic SQL in PL/SQL 
  • Arrays
  • Triggers
  • Invoker and Definer Rights
  • Wrapping of PL-SQL code
Theory and practical exercises Good SQL knowledge and basic knowledge of the database



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