As a CompTIA partner, we offer you practical courses that take your IT career to the next level and optimally prepare you for your desired certification. These include A+, Network+, Server+, and PC/Lan Supporter powered by CompTIA.
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Get started with CompTIA

CompTia is the leading provider of internationally recognised technology and manufacturer-neutral IT certifications. As an authorised CompTIA training partner, we offer you all the essential certification courses and support you in acquiring the skills that will take your career as an IT specialist to the next level. 

Discover our CompTIA range of courses now

Our offer includes the CompTIA certifications A+, Network+, Server+ and PC-/Lan Support Powered by CompTIA.

To get your feet wet in the world of CompTIA, CompTIA A+ (incl. CompTIA IT Fundamentals) is ideal. PC-related content is taught in this basic course. This is particularly relevant for power users, hotline employees, and customer support staff.

Individually, the following could be the next step on your career ladder: PC/LAN Supporter Powered by CompTIA (“9M1”), for network technology CompTIA Network+ (“9N1”), or in the service area CompTIA Server+ (“9T1”).