
The value creation of blockchain is only just beginning and extends far beyond Bitcoin. The young database technology offers the basis for numerous areas of application. Learn the most important blockchain basics in our courses. 
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Blockchain technology is a future-oriented database technology that is used by many different individuals worldwide, including both private individuals and companies. In both groups, blockchain is very much in demand today and is a "big-bet technology" with a wide range of possibilities.

Smart contracts, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, avoiding money laundering, processing insurance policies, use in identity management and much more will be possible thanks to the blockchain.

The blockchain is based on the principle of directly linking the consumer and supplier of a transaction. Trustworthy third parties as intermediaries, such as banks in the example of cryptocurrencies, will become superfluous. Transactions will become faster, more transparent, more secure and easier to trace, to name just a few of the benefits that not only the financial industry, but also the healthcare or manufacturing sectors expect from blockchain technology.

Get first insights into the technological basics of blockchain, secure cryptology and basic knowledge of smart contract and initial coin offering (ICO) in the course Blockchain Foundation ("BLOCKK")