
Excel for Power Users («MEPU»)

Learn more complex calculations, important, efficient (nested) functions, among other things, and the use of data validation commands in a two-day Microsoft Excel course.
Duration 2 days
Price 1'200.–
Course documents Digital Courseware

Course facts

  • Solving large and complex tasks efficiently in Excel
  • Learning a variety of useful functions to make your daily work more efficient
  • Understanding what to look for when protecting workbooks or worksheets

Use hands-on examples to deepen your knowledge of key features and learn how to create user-friendly forms and templates using control elements, data validation, and protection.

  1. Entry and repetition
    • Exercise with nested IF functions
  2. Using names
    • Define, apply, customize and delete names
  3. Consultation function
    • Functions VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, and INDEX
  4. Text functions
    • Functions LEFT, RIGHT, FIND, MID, TRIM
  5. Other important features
  6. Intercept errors in functions
    • Functions IFERROR, ISERROR
  7. Statistical evaluations
    • Functions RANK, STDEV.P und FREQUENCY
    • Add-in analysis functions
  8. Conditional formatting with functions
  9. Data validation (validity)
    • Values from lists
    • Dynamic validity
    • Prevent duplicate entries
  10. Protect data
    • Cell protection, sheet protection, workbook protection
    • Protect areas, protect file

Component of the following courses

Advanced Excel users who have very good knowledge and practical experience with Excel and now want to take full advantage of the possibilities of Excel.

  • Very good knowledge of Excel is required for this training
  • You will be able to create nested functions
  • You know how to deal with names
  • Know-how about PivotTables an advantage
  • The course builds on the knowledge from our predecessor trainings



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